Does Dr. Serrentino accept health insurance?
At this time Dr. Serrentino is not a network provider for any health insurance companies; the office can assist you in filing for reimbursement for out of network services.
What if Dr. Serrentino does not accept my insurance?
If Dr. Serrentino is not a network provider for your insurance, you may opt to pay out of pocket and/or use out of network benefits. This usually means that after reaching an out of pocket deductible, your insurance will pay for a portion of the session fees. In some cases this ends up being no more than a typical copayment. Out of network benefits should always be verified with your health insurance provider.
How often do I need to be seen?
The frequency of appointments is determined on a case by case basis. Appointment frequency typically ranges from once a week to every three months, depending on current symptoms, type of treatment and type of medication prescribed. Appointment frequency may vary over the course of treatment, to reflect the patient’s needs at any given time.
What happens during the initial evaluation?
Typically, the initial evaluation lasts approximately one hour and consists of a comprehensive diagnostic interview. If Dr. Serrentino and the individual both decide that treatment is appropriate, a plan will be discussed and treatment may begin. If it is decided that an alternative type of treatment would best service someone’s needs, this will be discussed with the individual. If there is information that Dr. Serrentino can provide to assist the individual in pursuing alternate treatment, this will be provided.